The Flood Video Blog

Flood Insurance Coverages: Beaver Damage

Written by Chris Greene | May 13, 2021 11:32:00 PM

Today, we want to talk about one of the most common flood insurance coverage questions that we get and we're getting this lately considering the number of floodings that are happening across the country:

Is beaver damage covered by my flood insurance?

When it comes to flood insurance coverage, you have to consider first if what's happening in your property is a flood. You have to remember two things that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) considers when looking for a flood: two acres of land or two properties are inundated by water.

When it comes to the two properties mentioned here, it's important to note that your property must be one of them and the other could be another house, a road, a nearby establishment, a park, and things like that.

We've seen flood insurance providing coverage for damages on this and the reason behind this is because beavers dam up rivers or creeks that causes widespread flooding in nearby areas. The Buck Creek area is one of the best examples here since it flooded due to these damages caused by beavers in the recent Birmingham, Alabama flood event early this May 2021.

At the end of the day, whatever the cause of the flooding that impacts a large area or simply applies that two-acre rule of FEMA, it's most likely to get paid out by your flood policy. This is why it's important you talk to your insurance agent and know when your policy pays out.

If you have any questions on beaver damage when your flood insurance pays out, and how to know when to file that flood claim, reach out to us with the links below.

Remember, we have an educational background in flood mitigation and we want to help you protect the value of your property long term by understanding flood risks.