Flood Insurance Guru

Hope: Coronavirus and Flood Insurance

Written by Chris Greene | Sep 2, 2020 5:29:25 AM

2020 has been a year for the books. Coronavirus has changed the world. It has caused illness worldwide, job loss like know one ever expected, and even challenged our personal rights and beliefs. Who would think most of the U.S. would be stuck in their homes for up to 6 weeks and churches would be empty.

Many have said the world is ending and for many it has and for others it feels like it has.

Depression has been a bigger challenge than ever before. I mean just look at how pastors have had to change the way they work. No more hospital visits to comfort people.

So what does Coronavirus have to do with flood insurance?

These two things have a lot more in common than most people think they do. Today we want to focus on one word that can bring these two topics together.

That's the word HOPE

You see through the Coronavirus pandemic we have seen families grow closer together in some of the hardest of times with the hope of coming out of this a stronger family. We have seen companies make major changes many changing work environments with the hope of becoming a stronger company.

We have seen individuals take extreme precautions to protect their families with the hope of not getting the Coronavirus.

We have seen lifestyles change with the hope of being able to pay the mortgage or rent.

The same can be said for flood insurance. People purchase flood insurance for many reasons and hope is one of them.

They hope that by having flood insurance it minimizes the impact that a flood disaster has on their family.

They purchase flood insurance with the hope that they never need to use it but if they do it's there.

I actually just spoke to a client this week that decided to purchase flood insurance when it wasn't required. I asked him why?

He said he has seen how others around him where impacted by not having flood insurance. He hoped to avoid this happening to him.

You see flood insurance is another way we try to protect our families with the hope that something never happens but if it does we are protected.

Whether its flood insurance or another disaster remember hope can get you through the darkest days. People can also find hope in others I know many people have gotten me through tough times in my life.

If you have questions about how to use flood insurance to protect your family or your business then click here. You can also checkout our daily flood education videos on our YouTube channel or checkout our podcast.

Remember we have an educational background in flood mitigation which means we can help you understand your flood risks, flood insurance, and mitigating your property longer term to minimize flood premiums and flood losses.