Flood Insurance Guru

How Much Does Flood Insurance Cost in San Antonio Texas?

Written by Chris Greene | Oct 12, 2020 5:38:54 AM


If I had a dime for every time I was asked the question how much flood insurance cost in San Antonio Texas I might just own a private island.

It's a valid question of course you want to know how much flood insurance is going to cost on your San Antonio Texas property.

The problem is that there is no simple answer. There are many things that can impact the cost of flood insurance in San Antonio Texas. Two things we want to look at are

  1. Location
  2. Elevation

Location is a driving factor of flood insurance cost in San Antonio. Whether you are located in a special flood hazard area or not can be a big price difference.

If you are lucky enough to be in the minimal risk zone also called flood zone x then you may have access to preferred rates.

So what is a flood zone x in San Antonio Texas?


As mentioned above this is an area that FEMA has determined to be in a minimal risk area. This means that the chance of flooding should be lower than the special flood hazard area. However the recent study by the first street foundation shows us that the risk for flooding is still there. San Antonio is in their top 20 list of cities with the greatest number of properties at substantial risk for flooding.

If you live in Texas then you know minimal risk doesn't mean no risk. Just look at hill country areas like Wimberly Texas and the flooding they have been through the last 5 years.


So what about the second factor elevation?

Elevation can play a major role in flood insurance cost in San Antonio. Something we want to pay attention to is base flood elevation.

So what is base flood elevation in San Antonio Texas?


According to FEMA base flood elevation is the elevation of surface water resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of equaling or exceeding the level in any given year.

So the further you are below the base flood elevation the higher your rates through the National Flood Insurance Program could be. The further above the base flood elevation the lower your cost could be.

Are all flood insurance rates based on this? These are some of the factors that the National Flood Insurance Program uses for their rates.

Private flood insurance carriers may use these factors combined with other factors. In fact some private carriers even look at 20 year flood plains.

What are 20 year flood plains?


In many situations private flood insurance could be half the cost of the National Flood Insurance Program in San Antonio Texas.

Its also important to know that your loan type could determine if you qualify for private flood insurance.


Many government backed loans require property owners to purchase flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Past claims could also determine if you qualify.

If you want to see if you qualify for private flood insurance then click here.

So as we mentioned at the beginning determining flood insurance cost in San Antonio Texas can be a complex answer.

The good news is we have an educational background in flood mitigation so we are here to help you understand the answer, understand your flood risks, and flood insurance.

If you want to learn more about flood insurance, flood education, and flood zone changes you can check out our YouTube channel where we do daily flood education videos. You can also checkout our podcast.