Should You File a Flood Insurance Claim for the April 12th 2020 Storm in Alabama

Written by Chris Greene | Apr 14, 2020 2:00:12 AM

April 12 2020 will go down as one of the most destructive Easters in Southeast history.


There were widespread tornados from Louisiana to Mississippi to Alabama to Georgia to Tennessee and South Carolina.


In Georgia homes were ripped from their foundation and in Huntsville Alabama you had more than 6 inches of rain within just a few hours.

This large amount of rainfall can cause major issues anytime but even more when all the lakes and rivers are still full from a wet winter.

In episode 178 of The Flood Insurance Guru Podcast we look at should you file a flood insurance claim after this storm.


On April 13, 2020 we spoke to numerous property owners from Arab to Cullman to Huntsville Alabama.

Many still had water in their homes and you could see the damage that this storm had left behind.

So the question is should you file that flood insurance claim?

Before we answer it remember flood pays out normally in one of two situations. Either 2 acres is inundated with water or more than 2 properties.

While this condition more than likely exist in parts of North Alabama, should you file that flood insurance claim?

Let's look at the impact a claim inquiry could have on you. On a traditional home insurance policy simply calling in to inquire about a home insurance claim could have a big impact on you. However when it comes to flood insurance its all about payouts.

So you probably want to reach out to your flood insurance company to check a couple of things.

  1. Claim worthy
  2. Impact of filing a claim

When speaking with your flood insurance company whether its through the National Flood Insurance Program or a private flood insurance company you want to make sure the conditions exist that would qualify your property for a flood insurance claim.

The next thing you want to find out is the impact of filing a claim. If it is a private flood insurance company in the Huntsville Alabama area you want to ask if your policy will be non renewed.

This is very important on the private side as many private flood insurance companies will deny a property coverage that has had flood insurance claims in the last 5 years.


We believe insurance should be used in situations you could not financially handle yourself. This means that paying out of pocket would be too much of financial burden on yourself. This is very important when it comes to flood insurance as these are the only reasons a flood claim should be filed since it always stays with the property.

This means when you go to sell your Huntsville Alabama property you may have trouble selling it because of these flood insurance claims.

So if you have further questions about will flood insurance cover it, then make sure to visit our website. Maybe you want to see the long term impact filing this claim versus not filing it will have? Then make sure to checkout our YouTube channel where we do daily flood education videos.