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On January 15, 2021 Plaquemines parish Louisiana is getting new flood maps.
So today we are going to look at the good, bad, and ugly.
Then we will look at the flood insurance options in Plaquemines parish Louisinaia, and if you can fight these changes.
So lets good at the good first.
Plaquemines Parish Flood Map Changes
Not all things are bad when it comes flood map changing. Sometimes you are removed from the special flood hazard area. Thats exactly what is happening to about 500 Plaquemine parish residents.
So what does this mean?
This means if you are removed that your bank should not require flood insurance on your Plaquemine parish property.
Does this mean you shouldn't carry flood insurance?
Absolutely not things like hurricane Katrina have shown us that your are at threat of flooding in the state of Louisina even if you aren't in a coastal area.
This just means that you could get preferred rates now that are not in the special flood hazard areas.
Will your mortgage company continue to pay the flood insurance?
Generally not this is what cost many Baton Rogue residents everything in 2016. A recent flood map update had taken place before the Baton Rogue flood, so many people did not carry the insurance.
Now lets look at the bad.
Bad news is that about 2000 property owners in Plaquemines parish are being removed from the minimal flood zone to the special flood hazard area.
This means if you carry a mortgage flood insurance will now be required.
Now lets look at the ugly
Many properties can be moved from high risk to higher risk areas. This means that properties owners could see a significant increase in flood insurance premiums. This is what is happening to possibly about 10,000 property owners
Flood Insurance Options Plaquemines Parish Louisiana
Like much of the country Plaquemines parish has two options when it comes to flood insurance.
You have the National Flood Insurance Program and you have private flood insurance.
What is the difference?
The video below gives a brief explanation.
It's important to understand that historically private flood insurance options have been very limited in southern Louisiana.
Fight the Plaquemines Parish Flood Map Changes
So can you fight these changes?
Yes you can now it might be harder to win because of the historical flooding in the area.
So if you want to fight it what is a good indicator you might have a chance of winning.
If your lowest adjacent grade is about a foot above the base flood elevation then you might have a good chance of winning.
Want help fighting it. Click here
So we have looked at these changes, the flood insurance options, and if you can fight it. If you have further questions you can visit our YouTube channel where we do daily flood education videos.
You can also check out our podcast where we have an audio form of this blog and the updates.
Remember we have an educational background in flood mitigation. This means we can help you understand your flood risk, flood insurance, and mitigating your property long term.