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What is a Flood Map?

January 21st, 2019

1 min read

By Admin

Hello. Chris Greene here, The Flood Insurance Guru. Today we're talking about what is a flood map? Up in the left-hand corner here, you can see we've put a copy of a flood map for you to see what it looks like. It's a boundary showing you where the different flood zones are, or things like the water, which is a floodway, where that might fall based on where your property's at. These flood maps should show you exactly what type of flood zone you're in, what type of risk your property may be at, and if your property's sitting in a floodway.

You may ask, "What's the importance of a floodway?" Well, a lot of insurance companies won't write a flood insurance policy if your property falls within a floodway because of the risk. This is pretty much what a flood map is. Let us know if you have any questions about flood maps, maybe where your property is. You could always reach out to us,, our Facebook page or YouTube channels, The Flood Insurance Guru. You can give us a call at (205) 451-4294. 
