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3 Things to Know About Flood Insurance Rate Maps

February 13th, 2022

1 min read

By Chris Greene

3 Things to Know About Flood Insurance Rate Maps

What is a Flood Insurance Rate Map?

Hello, Chris Greene here with the Flood Insurance Guru. Today, we're breaking down the top three things you need to know about flood insurance rate maps. These maps can seem complex, but understanding them is crucial for protecting your property. After this quick read and video you should have a general understanding.

1. Flood Zone

First up, the flood zone. When you look at a flood insurance rate map, you'll see areas marked as X, A, AE, or maybe undetermined zones like B or C if they haven't been updated. Coastal areas might be labeled V or VE. These designations tell you the flood risk level for that area, which directly impacts your insurance requirements. However they no longer impact flood insurance rates with the national flood insurance program.

2. Base Flood Elevation (BFE)

Next is the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). This is the level that FEMA predicts floodwaters could reach during a base flood. To avoid being in a high-risk flood zone, your property's lowest adjacent grade needs to be above this elevation. Knowing your BFE is essential because it helps you understand your flood risk and what you might need to do to protect your property.

3. Base Flood Depth

Finally, there's the base flood depth. This measurement indicates how deep the floodwaters are expected to get in your area. This depth is critical for assessing potential damage to your property and planning for flood mitigation.

These three elements—flood zone, base flood elevation, and base flood depth—are key to understanding your flood risk and insurance needs. If you're looking for more insights or need help navigating flood insurance, reach out to us at Flood Insurance Guru. Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel and Facebook page, The Flood Insurance Guru, where we share daily flood education videos.

You can find your flood zone designation below


In this video, we talk about every important thing you need to know when it comes to Flood Insurance Rate Maps also known as FIRMs or Flood Maps.


Find Your Property’s Flood Risk

Chris Greene